Kids Ministry as Forest Lake

Month: July 2018

Heroes of the Faith

Big Idea: Being a hero of faith is stepping forward and helping out with confidence in Jesus.

Bible Passage: Hebrews 11:1–12:2

On Sunday, the kids learned about faith. In the Book of Hebrews, we find a list of people who lived by faith. What is faith? Faith is being sure that what we hope for will actually happen. Being a hero of faith is obeying God because we trust Him. By faith, we believe that God created everything from nothing, just by speaking! The Bible gives examples of people who had heroic faith, but the true hero of the Bible is Jesus. Jesus looked forward to the joy that would come because of the cross. Because of Jesus, the things the faithful people in the Bible looked forward to will come true. We know that Jesus will come back one day because God always keeps His promises. We can trust Jesus, and step forward in faith and help others & show God's love for them.

Family Activity

Some great questions to ask around the dinner table, for this week (and all weeks!) are:

•What does this story teach me about God or the gospel?
•What does the story teach me about myself (or ourselves)?
•Are there any commands in this story to obey? How are they for God’s glory and my good?
•Are there any promises in this story to remember? How do they help me trust and love God?
•How does this story help me (and our family) to live on mission better?

Play 'blind trust'. Blindfold members of your family and lead them around obstacles such as chairs and other household items. Talk about how sometimes it is difficult to trust God when we can't see Him, but we always know He loves us and knows what is best, so we can trust Him and have faith He will look after us. 

A Cheerful Giver

Big Idea: God is generous to us, so we can be generous to others.

Bible Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:6-15

Welcome back to term 3! This week the kids learned that Paul wrote a letter to the church in Corinth. He wanted them to understand that their relationship with Jesus was the start of a whole new life. God has been merciful and generous to us. He gave us the greatest gift, His own Son. Jesus showed us what generousity loks like when He gave up His life to save us from sin. Because of Jesus, we can be merciful and generous to others. Jesus is our picture of what perfect generousity looks like, because He gave up everything for us.

Family Activity

How can we be generous? We defined 'generousity' as 'giving and giving and giving away our gifts'. What are gifts we have been blessed with as s family that we can bless others with? Consider going through your clothes, toys or saved up pocket money and talk about how you could bless others with those things. Talk about how it is hard sometimes to give up things we love for others, but a truly generous heart, like Jesus', sees that it is worth the cost to bless others.

Have a great week!

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